Senior Services - Holly Hunt, Director
Phone: (716) 592-2764
Address: 40 Commerce Drive, Springville
The Concord Senior Center will be closed when the Springville Griffith Institute School District closes due to weather conditions.
Reservations for lunch: Call (716) 592-2764. Enjoy a hot meal and great company. $3 Donation. March Menu
The Concord Senior Center Spring 2025 University Express Schedule: Schedule
Information about the WNY Regional VITA Network "Ways to File your Income Tax": Tax Filing Information
The Concord Senior Club meetings are the second Wednesday of the month at 1:30 p.m.
The Concord Senior Center will be starting a Sunshine Club. If you know of someone who is sick, in the hospital or had a death in the family, call the Center. We will be sending out cards, calling them or possibly even visit.
The Concord Van continues to operate Monday-Friday for medical appointments. Please call 592-2768 with questions regarding the Van service. Click here to view: Van Guidelines.
Please feel free to contact the Director either by phone or email with any questions or concerns. Like us on our Facebook page Concord Senior Center Springville NY

Senior Citizens:
The Springville/Concord Seniors Meetings are held at the Senior Center on the second Wednesdays of each month beginning at 1:30 p.m. Come early so you can sign up for trips and/or special events. If Springville GI is closed, then the Seniors will not meet.
Membership is open to all those 55 years of age or older residing in the Town of Concord. Dues are $10.00 annually payable in January (or at the time you join). The Treasurer will not accept checks sent to her home address unless you are first signed up at a meeting.
You must be a paid up member and attend at least two meetings a year to go on trips and to attend the Christmas lunch. Members must sign themselves up for the trips and special events.
For more information, call the Senior Center at (716) 592-2764.