Code Enforcement - Thomas Roberts & Kevin Manchester

Thomas Roberts, CEO 
Kevin Manchester, Building Safety Inspector
Diane West, Clerk

Phone: 716-794-3885 
Cell: (716) 353-3406
Thomas Roberts' Email:
Kevin Manchester Email:

Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to 12 noon

Please call CEO Office at  (716) 794-3885  to make an appointment to discuss your building permit or property concern.


The Town of Concord Code is available at the General Code Publishers website:   General Code Publishers eCode
*The online Code was last updated in 2017.  Changes may have occurred since that time.  Please contact Code Enforcement to confirm you have the most up to date information.

Town of Concord Comprehensive Plan 2022
Appendix Part 1
Appendix Part 2

  Town of Concord Zoning Map Found Here


Click links below to view / print forms and permits:

REMINDER: A building permit is required for ALL sheds. A plot plan must be submitted with your application showing the proposed location.

A swimming pool permit covers the swimming pool only.  It does not include any deck built around your swimming pool.  The deck would require a separate permit.

Erie County has a website that will allow you to find out the Zoning on  a particular parcel. 
Click here to view: Erie County Interactive GIS Map

New York State DEC has an internet site to access NYS Wetlands. Click here to access the map: NYS Wetlands Map

Erie County Planning & Development has an internet site to access information about properties in the County. This site provides information about the parcel, the Section-Block-Lot (SBL) number, basic zoning information about the parcel and much more. This information is available at Erie County's website:  Erie County Planning & Development

New York State Assemblyman Kearns is asking our assistance in increasing Albany's awareness of the foreclosure crisis in our neighborhood. We can all take action in appealing to the banks to act responsibly and fairly towards their neighbors by filing a complaint with the New York State Department of Financial Services.  Community Campaign to Combat Zombie Properties

To read more about how New York State is addressing vacant and abandoned properties, click here to read an article published in the "Talk of the Towns & Topics" written by Donald A. Young: New York State Addresses Vacant & Abandoned Properties